Life Without Barriers is a leading national social purpose organisation dedicated to changing people’s lives for the better.

Who we are

Life Without Barriers is a charitable organisation supporting close to 23,000 people living in over 400 communities across the nation. We provide people with the services and assistance they need so they can achieve their goals and maximise their opportunities to participate as fully in society as they wish.

We partner with communities, elders, government and the private sector to ensure we can achieve positive long-term change in the lives of people we work with. We were established close to three decades ago by a determined group of community members with a clear vision – to partner with people to improve lives for the better.

Our foundational purpose carries us forward today as one of the largest national providers of social services in Australia.

Diversity and Inclusion

We actively foster inclusion through the diversity of our people. We live a culture underpinned by respect, belonging and connection.

Visit our diversity and inclusion page for more information.

We want all Life Without Barriers employees to be actively inclusive. To share some examples of how our people feel included, we created a video campaign of real experiences of our people at Life Without Barriers. This video is just the start of our inclusion campaign.

Click below to see our BeYourself@LWB video.

Why we do what we do

As a national provider of social services, all changes in Australia’s demographic profile requires us to review our services and models of support. However, our approach of putting people first never changes. Our purpose

Our purpose is to partner with people to change lives for the better. We believe in the rights of people and the importance of relationships. We bring respect and sensitivity to cultural, linguistic and religious diversity through our Reconciliation Action Plan and Cultural Respect Framework. These foundations shape our unique approach to care and underpin the values of Life Without Barriers.

Our Services

Life Without Barriers provides care and support services across Australia in urban, rural and remote locations. 

Learn more about our services.

Current vacancies

213 record(s) have been found.

Deputy General Counsel – Office of General Counsel | NSW: Newcastle, Maitland & Hunter, NSW: Sydney, QLD: Brisbane, VIC: Melbourne

Life Without Barriers

Home & Living Transformation Lead. Maximum Term Contract - Flexible Location | NSW: Newcastle, Maitland & Hunter, NSW: Sydney, NT: Darwin, QLD: Brisbane, SA: Adelaide, TAS: Hobart, VIC: Melbourne, WA: Perth

Life Without Barriers

Intake Officer - Full time permanent - Queensland. | QLD: Brisbane, QLD: Gold Coast, QLD: Bundaberg & Wide Bay Burnett, QLD: Cairns & Far North, QLD: Gladstone & Central QLD, QLD: Hervey Bay & Fraser Coa

Life Without Barriers

Intensive Therapeutic Care Worker - NSW | NSW: Dubbo & Central NSW, NSW: Lismore & Far North Coast, NSW: Wollongong, Illawarra & South Coast

Life Without Barriers

Contact Information

Level 6, 107 Pitt St

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